music & life coach / Guitar tutor & mentor........... New website coming soon
Combining guitar tutoring with mentoring or music with life coaching (or a mixture) can profoundly improve people’s lives.
While counselors and other professionals serve a purpose, people, especially youth, can struggle with the expectation of a clinical session to express themselves. Building a connection and relationship through music and guitar tutoring can help bring more calmness and natural conversation, filling a gap that might not happen with clinical sessions.
Sessions are available online, or in person for locals. Packages can include one-to-one, group sessions, or, soon, prerecorded sessions at a discounted rate for beginners and life explorers.
GUITAR TUTORING and MENTORING are generally ongoing arrangements based on building a natural, trusting relationship with long-term development.
MUSIC COACHING combined with LIFE COACHING can be used for (but not limited to) specific short-term goals.
Music coaching can include a variety of things, including discussing instrument options and purchases, guitar lessons, setting up a band or duo, buying professional audio (PA) equipment for gigs, and sound recording equipment. Guitar students can be taught to sing and play songs and change the keys of some songs to suit their vocal range.
Life coaching includes discussing other specific short-term goals. It could also include long-term goals, such as an extended transformational life-balance program with ten facets (Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Occupational, Environmental, Personality, Identity, Vocational, and Self-care). This includes the option of a referral to a health and wellness retreat (or other professionals) for further self-care etc. (See life coaching infographic below). Life-balance can look quite different from one person to another depending on their circumstances, how they are designed, the lifestyle that best suits them, or what they feel led to do or be (like a vocational calling). Still, these ten facets create a solid foundation to build on, even amongst a great diversity of people.
Online live sessions often include a short YouTube video afterward to remind people of what was covered in the session, accompanied by an email. People set their own pace, although the occasional nudge might happen.
Currently residing in the Noosa Hinterland, QLD, near Kin Kin. In-person sessions are possible for locals and include group options.
With many years of live music experience, some mentoring experience, and recent qualifications with a Diploma of Youth Work and a Life Coaching Certificate, there is a great passion for connecting these in empowering ways to impact many people’s lives positively. This is not just limited to youth; it can be tailored for adults, too.
A prerecorded 12-session package is being developed for beginner guitarists and those exploring life coaching to improve their lives, which can lead to helping others improve their lives, too, when there are constructive heart desires and values. Once the program is finished, students/clients could move to live sessions for either guitar tutoring, life coaching/mentoring, or a combo. (See life coaching infographic below).
- Are you struggling to find good life-balance or purpose?
- Are you excelling in one or more areas of life to the detriment of other areas?
- Have you been able to identify your values and strengths and apply them in life?
- Do you feel overwhelmed and far from your potential or heart’s desires?
- Do you believe your heart’s desires are constructive for you and society?
- Do you want to improve your life in different facets?
By EXPLORING 10 facets of life-balance you can be empowered to CLARIFY and align your heart’s values, desires, and goals to RESHAPE and renew your life towards your full potential & purpose; and to REFLECT and celebrate your accomplishments.

Check out Punchline Entertainment for more on live music acts (Solo, Duo, Trio, Band)
Available booking options
regular guitar
For beginners to intermediate
Weekly or Fortnightly - negotiable
30 mins online session
Video recording after sessions with an email and YouTube link for practice.
combo package
For beginner guitaristsand life-balance seekers
Prerecorded Life Coaching Sessions x 12
Guitar Sessions x 12 -
Email correspondence, and extra explanation video/s if needed.
guitar tutoring & mentoring
Negotiable fee & time-
15-20 mins mentoring or coaching - negotiable
30 mins guitar session
Video recording after sessions with an email and YouTube link.
guitar tutor & mentor package
For 10 sessions - negotiable-
15-20 mins mentoring - negotiable
30 mins guitar session
Video recording after sessions with an email and YouTube link.
Music & life coach package
For 12 sessions - negotiable-
30 mins coaching - negotiable
30 mins guitar session
Video recording after sessions with an email and YouTube link.
For more details, email to book a FREE initial 25-minute ONLINE session or phone call. You can also check out the blog, which will have more content soon.
Your thoughts and feedback