

Music can be such an amazing art and incredibly good for the soul for so many people (whether musicians or not) and has been a huge passion of mine for many years, right back to even before I had some piano lessons at age 8! But I was primarily designed for the guitar, and have been working hard on my vocals for years! I enjoy playing bass and percussion too!

I have been playing guitar since 1992, first band 1999 (original music), covers bands/acts since 2001, Punchline Entertainment since 2003 fb.me/PunchlineEntertainmentAus, soloist since 2012 (guitar and baritone vocals), worship music since 2012, soloist at aged care homes from 2017, regular soloist at a health retreat since 2021. I am also guitar tutoring again from 2022 and mostly online now, I started teaching guitar back in 1996.

Original Music

I am currently working on a 3-part demo album of mostly original music and hoping to release some songs in the near future. 

I had a 40 minute set of all my own songs at the ‘Freedom Music Festival’ again in 2023, and it was great to check out all the other artists as always too! It was north west of the Sunshine Coast in a lovely spot at Calico Creek! – Click on the Freedom Music Festival image below for more details. 

I will upload my songs to https://soundcloud.com/matty-b-1977 and https://www.facebook.com/mattybatesonmusic/ soon. 

My next set for live original music is Saturday March 2nd for ‘Live at the Chapel’ at Nambour. Click here for more details.

Covers acts I'm in (classics from the 50s to now)

For any live music booking inquiries, please refer to www.facebook.com/PunchlineEntertainmentAus or email mattybatesonmusic@gmail.com 

You can also click on the images above for the associated facebook pages. 


This playlist has all the Worship Music and other Christian music that I currently can play on guitar and sing. I plan to run some Worship Music events in the Noosa Hinterland and elsewhere every month or so from 2025 and adding other songs to the repertoire. God-willing, this will involve musicians from different churches collaboratively to bless the community for those interested in attending and to establish more Christian connections in SE QLD. Also, possibly reaching the community with the love of God through this music. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me.

Online Music Content

Additionally, I am producing some live music videos to share via YouTube and this website, including some with messages from my heart, connecting with the song lyrics with interpretations and reflections, and life experiences etc. Music and lyrics can be so powerful and meaningful! Stay tuned for these videos.